
   Click here and view all My3 staff vacancies in care,
    education and therapeutic services.

Contact us if you feel you want to be part of a care, education, or therapist team within the My3 organisation. We can help you find the role that is right for you so that you can play a part in changing the lives of our children and young people.

Develop Your Career with My3

The Staff Pathway provides ‘modules’ that enable you development opportunities throughout your career at My3. For each role ‘Competency Assessment Phase’, you will be supported to develop the skills, knowledge, and behaviours to progress within that position.

My3 believes in supporting you to be the best you can be.
By empowering you to build on your unique interests and enabling you to have successful and long careers with My3.
My3 will enable development led by the needs of the people that we support and will consider any bespoke training seriously in line with our vision and values.